Powertica Energie
Navigating Success in Commodity Trading
We trade in power, gas, emission allowances, oil and currency derivatives. We are a member of the European Federation of Energy Traders.
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Driven by desire to succeed
Powertica Commodities AG is a trading company that trades commodities on European markets. The commodities traded include mainly electricity, gas, emission allowances, oil and financial derivatives. The company actively trades electricity and gas in a number of European countries and on global commodity exchanges such as ICE (Intercontinental Exchange Inc.), CME Group Inc. (Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade) and EEX (European Energy Exchange). On the basis of the contract, it continues to provide dispatching services for the production resources of the Sev.en Česká energie Group, as well as ensuring the optimization of the production of these resources. Powertica Commodities AG continues to develop its business activities and aims to become a major European trader. The company is headquartered in Liechtenstein and operates in the Czech Republic through its branch office, thus effectively linking its business activities in the Czech Republic with global energy markets.

What we do
Backed by excellence
We trade in power, gas, emission allowances, oil and currency derivatives. We dispatch the production resources of the Sev.en Česká energie Group in the Czech Republic. We hold the necessary licenses, permits and registrations for commodity trading. We are a member of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET).

Powertica Commodities in numbers
employees as of 31.12.2023
EUR registered capital
contracted production capacity
of traded electricity in 2023
tons of EUA traded in 2023
of traded gas in 2023
Join our team
Our team consists of people working in trading, dispatching and risk management positions and is composed of experienced employees in senior positions as well as those in junior positions who are given the opportunity to grow and develop. Our international team has 89 employees, of which 22 are women.