Commodity trading is an instinct cultivated by knowledge
We trade in commodities at European level
Powertica Commodities AG is active in major commodity markets such as electricity, gas, coal, emissions and oil markets. Powertica Commodities AG also trades in currency derivatives and other commodities.
Trading team
Working together to find market opportunities
The business activities of Powertica Commodities AG are carried out by an international team of traders and analysts who work together to find market opportunities. An integral part of Trading is Dispatching which manages production resources in the Sev.en Česká energie Group's portfolio in the Czech Republic. The Trading team consists of junior and senior positions, offering opportunities for career growth, challenging work and self-realization.
Powertica Commodities AG trades in power on European wholesale markets through power exchanges (EEX, EPEX, SPOT), brokers and on the basis of EFET agreements with trading counterparties.
Dispatch control of power plants
The business activities of Powertica Commodities AG also include production optimization, hedging and dispatch control of resources within the Sev.en Česká energie Group. These activities are provided for the power stations Elektrárna Chvaletice a.s. (installed capacity 820 MW);
Elektrárna Počerady a.s. (installed capacity 1 000 MW); for heating plants Teplárna Kladno s.r.o. (installed capacity 524 MW) and Teplárna Zlín s.r.o. (installed capacity 64 MW). For these activities, Powertica Commodities AG has established a branch office in the Czech Republic.
Emission allowances trading
Powertica Commodities AG trades emission allowances on the ICE exchange (futures, spot). In the Sev.en Česká energie Group, it provides the necessary amount of emission allowances for the production of the power stations Elektrárna Chvaletice a.s.; Elektrárna Počerady a.s; heating plants Teplárna Kladno s.r.o. and Teplárna Zlín s.r.o., with total installed capacity of 2 414 MW.
In 2021, Powertica Commodities AG expanded its business activities to include the gas market. Trading takes place on the basis of EFET agreements with trading counterparties and on European commodity exchanges, in particular EEX and ICE.
Powertica Commodities AG actively trades in gas markets, purchasing transmission and storage capacities in Europe. The company has all authorizations required for gas trading in the Netherlands (Title Transfer Facility - TTF), Germany (Trading Hub Europe - THE) and in the Czech Republic. In the near future, a geographical expansion of activities to Slovakia, Austria and possibly Italy is also planned.
As part of diversification of Powertica Commodities AG's portfolio and as part of the energy mix of traded commodities, Brent Futures crude oil also belongs among commodities traded at Powertica Commodities AG.